Friday, October 15, 2010

What's In It For Me?

We've established that I am self-centered, right? And while I love a good wedding, I can always use some incentive to go. Sure, I may have been tapped as a groomsdude and I guess I have some responsibilities associated with the title, but maybe I need a little more.

Plenty of weddings like to leave you with a little memento of the occasion. Something that you can take home, put on your counter, and then throw away about 4 weeks later when you finally get around to cleaning that part of the house. Maybe it is that old candy that was left on the table where you sat. Perhaps it is a small thing of bubbles to blow on the couple as they leave the church instead of rice, which I hear makes birds explode.
(No birds were harmed in the posting of this blog). Or maybe it is a nice poem, or a mix tape.

In this age of busy schedules, instant gratification, Facebook, Obama, and Chilean miners, what do the wedding-goers of today want to take home? How about an iPod Touch?

I know that is a wedding I would attend. Yes, they can be pricey. How about something that really represents the Central Coast? Yup, Mo's BBQ Sauce. We can relive every moment while sucking down pieces of pork that have been slow cooked over a fire.

Or just be classy and leave some Benjamins on the table for everyone. I can stuff my wallet full of 'em.
Really I am suggesting that you bribe us. Don't worry, I'll be happy to attend your wedding regardless of what you do for us. But I don't know about the rest of them. But this could help.

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