Thursday, November 4, 2010

Poll Results- Looks Like This Party Starts Where It All Began *OR* Justin's Rant About Chickenpox

You've waited patiently while our little poll was conducted. What poll? The poll on the left hand side of the blog. There was a poll? Yup.

According to the election results, we can call the race of wedding location on behalf of the lunch table at La Canada High School. Amazing, this wedding will be at the high school that B attended, along with many other followers of Downward Brent Lee.

B can cater the lunch with a sandwich, an apple, a Pepsi, and some cookies. This was his standard meal for at least six years while attending La Canada High (which has a Jr. High on the same campus, don't freak out on us people). Doesn't that sound lovely?

In all honesty, you could not have chosen a better location.You have a full table with seating for 8. Those that remember though will recall that some of us stood and we were able to squeeze more people in. Point of interest: the only time I sat I found out I was getting the chicken pox at 16, right over my birthday. Did you send me pity gifts? No. And I still resent you for that.You know a boy only turns 16 once and you had to ruin it by a) giving me chickenpox and b) not celebrating or sending me a miniature horse. What great friends you all turned out to be.
"Bitter, party of one?"
"Yes, that's me"
"Would you like to have a seat over here, away from the action?"
"You would put me over there, wouldn't you?"
"Sir, are you feeling surly?"
"Yes, I suppose I am."
"In that case, we have a space for you on the lawn...waaaaay over there."
"That will do."

Ok, moving on... You have the overhanging tree to provide some shade in the shadow of the gym. And oh, the memories. Stephany hitting me in the arm. Mike G. and Lisa fighting. Dan chasing Guy around the school. Paul and Greg doing whatever they did. Lisas multiplying like rabbits. There must have been about 16 that hung out there at one point. Romance bloomed and fizzled. Food was thrown and plans were made. And I got chickenpox. Did I already mention that?

Where else to start off your new life as husband and wife than a high school that one of you attended. Oh, La Canada, proud and grand, we attended your school and left without killing anyone. A feat within itself.

Sure, this leaves out any attachment that Corrin may have to anything. Sometimes we have to make some sacrifices to support our loved ones. And who could be more important at this wedding than the wedding planner? That's right, we're here to make me happy.

What's that?
This isn't about me?
The blog isn't named after me?
Is there no justice in this world?
But I had the chickenpox!
That doesn't matter?!  (educational moment, a question mark mixed with an exclamation point is called an interrobang. Look it up)
Whose side are you on?

Fine fine, we'll let the bride and groom choose their own location. Just know that 8 people voted for the lunch table.

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