Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Being Mr. Mom

Once you are married and are starting your family, you have to plan for little Carl, when he arrives. Carl, of course, being the name of your first child, as we have established in previous posts. I am now an expert in parenting with over 2 months of experience, so I feel I have a lot to add.

I have been baby-sitting (or as it should be called, just being dad) a bunch lately while my wife is off working. I get to be Mr. Mom.

No, not the 1983 movie featuring Michael Keaton, who went on to play Batman. But a real-life stay at home dad struggling with the day to day activities that a 2 month old boy needs. The breast-feeding is the worst, I don't think he is getting anything from me (that's a joke, I've got plenty).

So here are some tips for B when he has to take care of Carl while Corrin is out making the big bucks or doing some great community service (that last one was actually sincere folks. Rare on this blog).
  • Sleep when you can.
  • Be patient. Carl is going to take you to your very last nerve.
  • Let the house go. Become a hoarder and get a TLC show.
  • Take the kid to the park and the store- those are great places to pick up on women. And what woos a woman more than a baby?
  • Dress Carl up in his favorite Johnny Cash shirt. He looks awesome!
  • Don't leave Carl alone with the baby powder. 
I'm sure I have other tips. But again, this blog has been half-assed today. Sorry, I've been a bit busy today. Enjoy your day anyways, now that I've ruined it by not giving you the humor you were expecting.

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