Friday, November 19, 2010

Pass The Turkey, And The Gravy, And The Stuffing, And The Gravy, And The Potatoes, And The Gravy...

Downward Brent Lee is going to take next week off to celebrate Thanksgiving, so this will be the last post for a week. You better enjoy it. And don't forget to vote in the poll.

Who doesn't love Thanksgiving? Easily the best meal of the year. You've got the turkey, or if you prefer, a Turducken. Here is a recipe if you want to try it out this year.

For those who are not familiar with the wonder that is Turducken, permit me to explain. This is Thanksgiving with an extra kick. You have a chicken inside a duck inside the turkey. That's right, three winged animals living happily ever after in my gut! But I think we should kick it up a notch. This bird is missing some bacon. And maybe a nice chicken/apple sausage inside as well. And why don't we stick it in a pig and smoke it for 14 hours over a lovely oak fire? Greg, I hope you are reading today because we may need to try that. We will call it "PiBacTurDuckEnAge." Pig, Bacon, Turkey, Duck, Chicken, Sausage all combined. Like Voltron. Sure, each lion is good on its own, but come together and form Voltron? Yup, evil space people better watch out!

Back to Thanksgiving. A time when we gather as family to sit around a mix of tables strewn around the house so that everyone has a seat. Of course, one person either gets stuck at the kid's table or has a tv tray in the bathroom. A time when that weird uncle from North Carolina tells you how much you've grown and how much family means to him. Granted, the last time you heard from him was years ago, we're obviously number one on his list. Luckily you can drown your sorrows out in vats of gravy. Literally the drippings from the PiBacTurDuckEnAge mixed with some flour and some stock so you can put that back on everything on the table.

And then, there is the pie. I'm always torn about what my favorite part of the meal is. I love turkey (or whatever) and I love gravy. Always a fan of potatoes and rolls and you can't go wrong with stuffing either. But pie? Wow, I do love pie. I'm torn between pumpkin and apple. It seems someone has solved this issue as well, by combining the pies together into an orgy of flavor.

I just might have to try this recipe. Greg, are you in?

And then there is the post-Thanksgiving hangover. I'm not referring to the alcohol induced one, I'm talking the food-coma-pants-don't-fit hangover. I love this too. And knowing I will be eating the same meal for the next four days make me happy.

What does this have to do with B and Corrin? Nothing. Can't I take a day of from wedding planning just once? Gheesh, you're like my North Carolina uncle. Get off my back!

Have a great Thanksgiving. If you are in the Los Angeles area, don't forget to go to the LA Auto Show. Greg and I will be there Monday. We've only been going for the past 15 years. B has come twice. Paul: zero times. Bring your tools, Greg and I try to take apart as many cars as we can before we are politely asked to leave. Good times!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! We'll have a pit BBQ for the pibacturduckenage. Apple/pumpkin pie I'm on it! By the way, 15 years! Dang...
