Wednesday, November 17, 2010

400 Visitors? Who Knew 400 People Would Want To Read Garbage? I Guess That Is How They Sell "People" Magazine.

We have crested 400 visitors to Downward Brent Lee! This is quite the accomplishment. This means one of two things:
1. You really like B and Corrin
2. You find me hilarious

For obvious reasons, mostly due to my ego, we are going with choice #2. Yes, I am funny (looking). Sure, my dry wit may turn people away and my sarcasm may keep them away. However, it seems as though there are a choice few who enjoy this kind of abuse. Come to think of it, this must be why B and I have been friends for 18 or so years. He is a glutton for punishment, luckily Corrin is here to coddle him. (Anyone just notice I was able to use "glutton" and "coddle" in the same sentence?)

I apologize for the lazy posting the last two days, time has been a bit short as I am playing Mr. Mom again. Let me tell you, I look darn good in a house dress.

How to make up for lazy posting and 400 visitors? Let's give you a new post with a fresh idea. Granted, the fresh idea comes from our longtime collaborator, Greg Kathol. I've known Greg for 18 or so years as well and have how to....hmmm....errrr......grilling technique. Sure, that's it. To return the favor, I will plug the Kathol website: . This is your one stop shop for pinewood derby cars. You know what, let's just save his idea for tomorrow, I think I just came up with an idea.

Question: How can we get people together at a wedding and get past all the dull kissing and cake cutting than by engaging guests in a race? Answer: BY STAGING A PINEWOOD DERBY!

It is so simple. Mail out kits (from with the invitations. Encourage guests to create their own cars and be ready to weigh and race at the reception. Mine would be awesome. I would name it Carl and it would not be rednecky. It might be inspired by Vanilla Ice, it might not be. I want to surprise all of you at the wedding and crush you with my superior abilities to launch a piece of wood on wheels down a track. We could all do some side bets and make some money too. I don't know why this idea hasn't caught on yet.

Ok, I think I may have redeemed myself. Tomorrow we tackle Greg's idea. Thanks to everyone for reading, I really appreciate it. It just makes my ego bigger, but it wasn't big to start with.

Keep clicking on those links and making me rich!

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