Friday, March 18, 2011

I Touched Greatness *OR* B Sat Next To Me

As we are all aware, Thursday was St. Patrick's Day, when we celebrate some guy named Patrick by coating everything in green. I don't know (or really care) what you did for St. Patrick's Day, but I went to visit some friends. And who was there, you might ask? Well, I was graced by the presence of this blogs' namesake; Brent Lee. The man, the myth, the legend sat next to me as we tried to remain dignified in our friend's home while consuming corned beef and cabbage.

You would think this run-in with greatness would inspire some prolific blog writing. That it might stir the muse inside me. That with a little less than a year until the wedding, I would come up with some amazing blog post about Mr. Lee. Well, you would be wrong.

I did note a few things though, while in his presence.
  • He is still not too keen on the name Carl for one of his triplets. In fact, he is not real sold on triplets in the first place.
  • He will make faces at babies, but seems a bit uncomfortable holding one.
  • He was wearing Timberland boots, which did cause me to recite a Beastie Boys song.
  • He thinks we are going to be spending crazy money on his bachelor party. Joke is on him, we are going to need him to sponsor his own shindig.
  • I don't want to give away too much, but there may be some gray hair growing around his temples. I can neither confirm nor deny this accusation.
So I've given you four blog entries this week (I think). I am tapped out. Don't expect anything too good next week, I'm lazy.

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