Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome Mr. And Mrs. Lee *OR* Getting Used To Your New Name

One of the biggest challenges any newly married couple faces is getting used to being a legal and legitimate couple. No more "B & Corrin are coming over" it becomes "Oh, let's have the Lees over for dinner and talk about something pretentious."  And yes, once you are married and have other married couples over, all of your conversations become pretentious. At my home, we have a little board with all of the hot topics of the day and discuss them in a round-table format. Sort of like The View, with less Whoopi.

While B won't have much of an issue, since his name won't change, I will address most of this toward Corrin. B will start to wonder why his mother is always following him around to events, only to turn around and find you, the new Mrs. Lee. And Corrin, you will freak out because you have a new name and become the newest Mrs. Lee. And then comes the issue with the Social Security Card, what a pain. You have to take a binder full of paperwork down to the office, plead your case with the judge and get groped like you are going through airport security. (Some of that previous statement may be incorrect).

Then the question becomes, "What do I do with all the monogrammed stuff I have?" Simple, give it away to someone with your former initials. There have to be plenty of CC people out there that would love a new wardrobe and a new car. In fact, C.C. DeVille of Poison comes to mind.
The greatest challenge is remembering to turn around when people call you by your new name. You will see this happen at the store and restaurants. People find it fishy when you don't respond to your name and they think you have stolen someone's identity. So be aware and be prepared. Like a Boy Scout.

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