Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1,000 Views! *OR* How Did I Get So Popular?

Facebook, watch out! Downward Brent Lee is on its way for web domination. At around 2:00pm on Monday, January 17, 2011, The Downward Spiral of Brent Lee had its 1,000th page view. So the crack writing team is popping corks and drinking sparkling cider (no drinking at work) while toasting their newly found success.
A whopping 61 posts, and only 19 references to Vanilla Ice. Scratch that, 20 references now. We will still be talking about wedding ideas for B and Corrin, since that is the entire reason for this blog. But I think we are going to expand a bit. We're thinking about some theme restaurants across the country. Maybe some tie-ins with Starbucks and McDonald's. There is a feature film in the work about the life of a stay-at-home dad and his blogging ways. The biography is being written by Snooki as we speak.

Now that I am more popular than Michael Jackson and Tiny Tim combined, I have some influence in the world.
Tiny Tim...seriously.
Why did I have to wait until I was 31 to become so popular? Why couldn't this happen when I was in high school or college. Where are the groupies now? Argh.

But we here at Downward Brent Lee and the Twitter feed want to thank B and Corrin for their continued good humor about the site. And thanks to our readers for...reading I guess. We'll be back a little later in the week with a post actually related to the wedding (go figure). And behind the scenes, the gears are starting to turn for B's bachelor party. I hope everyone has their passports and burkas ready.

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