Wednesday, May 18, 2011

World's 633rd Most Popular Blog (According To My Own Fake Data) *OR* Don't Touch The Merchandise

Oooh, you've been waiting. I can tell. You come and check back daily, hoping, praying, that maybe today would be the day that there would be a new entry in the world's 633rd most popular blog. Oh yeah, we've cracked the top 1,000 in a poll I made up. To make it to 632, I need to beat a blog about hamster neutering.
But you don't come here to see me toot my own horn and proclaim this the best blog about a wedding, do you? No, you come here for the gossip, the inside scoop as it were about B and Corrin. You want to know what is happening down in the trenches and how this wedding is coming together. You want to know where you are going to sit and what they are going to feed you. And of course you want to know whether or not you get to wear a hat.
If you can find this hat, you are welcome to wear it.

Well, here is what I know about the wedding:
1. I'm in it.

Oh yes, your favorite blogger is IN THE WEDDING! Granted, this may have changed since I started this blog. In fact, I think they are trying to push me out of it all together. And I'm not just talking about the wedding. The other day while drinking water out of my favorite cup, some of the water went down the wrong pipe and I coughed a bit. I am pretty sure that B is trying to choke me. More recently, my 8 month old son had a very messy diaper. If I didn't know better, I would bet that B messed my son's diaper to try to gross me out. Well, I am going to let you in on a little secret...IT WON"T WORK! Oh yes, I am on to your little plan. You know I am going to steal the spotlight with my devilishly handsome looks and my Barry White inspired voice. My mad skills on the dancefloor coupled with my sparkling personality will simple turn all eyes toward me.

Now Corrin, you must not be jealous. Sure, the day was supposed to be about you, but when a 'personality' such as myself enters a room or joins a party, people flock. And really, can you blame them? Yes, you may have your friends who have never met me and are coming to the wedding for you, but honestly, they are just there to try to get to know me. Please be sure to remind them that I am married and not available. However, much like the pieces at a museum, they can look and admire, but they can not touch.

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