Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nevada, Here We Come *OR* Currie, You Will Be The Death Of Me

I had the pleasure of dining with the other groomsdudes and their wives a few nights back. Did I mention we did this without children? It was glorious for that fact alone. I think we spent about 3 hours having a very leisurely dinner and no one ate any Cheerios.

Not my child.
And of course the talk came around to the upcoming wedding and the expectations that we all held. We did agree that it would be a lot more fun if there were a bounce house involved, not for the kids, but the "adults." I was led to believe that this could be a fairly rowdy wedding, unlike that dullard Kate & Will wedding...BOOOORING!

As the groomsdudes kept stuffing their faces and watching Paul inflate like a blowfish to some allergic reaction, we made some executive decisions about the bachelor party. (Please note I have resisted the urge to put a picture of someone with a swollen face here and make rude comments.) But we have decided to keep most of this hidden from B, so I can't really spoil too much here.

I can say that anything he has a preconceived notion about is completely wrong. He thinks we are going to Nevada, that is correct. But he thinks Vegas. HA! We're actually headed to Currie, NV!
Haven't heard of Currie? I feel sorry for you. Right there in the Northeastern corner of Nevada is one of the finest cities that the American West has to offer. Named after Joseph Currie, the city was founded in 1885 and lives on to this day with a population hovering around 20. Yes, you read that right, twenty. Luckily for us, the majority of the town is for sale. Can you imagine owning a part of Nevada history? 20 acres containing Goshute Mercantile, the bar, adjoining house, cabins, RV park, garage, historic buildings, and corrals.
I've always wanted to own a town, what a great opportunity. And think of the raging party we can have there. We could....um.....camp. Yup, camp and....um....check out the bar, and.....um.....see the corral. Seriously, Google Map it. Zoom in here and head down to highway 93, you get a good sense of what this town holds. Luckily for B, gambling is legal here. Of course, the question becomes, will B come back? It could be pretty easy to lose him in a town of nearly 20.

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