Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yikes! Only A Year Left! *OR* Stop The Blog, I Want To Get Off

First off, Happy St. Patrick's Day. When we all celebrate our ability to look good in green, eat corned beef and cabbage, and somehow go back to our Irish roots.

Of course to do so, we must do the most stereotypical Irish accent we can think of and "pretend" to be drunk all day. And eat potatoes. And wear big sweaters. Gee, great day Irish, let's try a little harder. At least with Cinco De Mayo we get to light off fireworks. All we get with St. Patrick's Day is a river dyed green. Nice effort Chicago.

 It being St. Patrick's Day of 2011, the official countdown has begun (note new countdown thing on the right). We're only a year away from the wedding of the "holiday." B and Corrin have 366 days (2012 is a leap year) to get their act together and throw us one heck of a party. I don't go out to Paso Robles for anything.

Of course, what really matters is that I only have one more year to keep this pathetic little blog afloat. I figure if I aim for about 2 posts per week, I still have way too many posts to think of. Sigh. How does this affect you? Well, if you come here for entertainment, you may start to be horribly disappointed (this is where you act like you aren't already). Gads, we're going to have to think of more destinations and themes. Maybe we'll try to dress B up in funny costumes for the wedding. There is still some planning for bachelor parties to complete.

But as I was listening to a few songs, I thought maybe I should come up with a real gift. I know what you are thinking:
"What, another gift? Hey, they should be giving you a gift for all the blogging that you do."

No argument here.
But for some family, I have performed a song or two at either a wedding, a shower, or a reception. Typically, one is sappy and cute. And then the other is somewhat amusing. Oh, and I am by no means a talented musician.

I'm playing the mandolin, in case you care. The bigger guys are my brothers-in-law

I came across a Johnny Cash song that might fit the bill for one of them. Comment here if you think you know the song. Or if you have other ideas.

Here's to 366 more days!

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