So why come back? Well, if the Axl Rose and Slash can make up, so can we. Granted, we weren't upset at the blog, but it seemed like a good reference. And by now, shouldn't Axl give up on the ratty long hair? Sure, Slash has his signature look, but Axl. come on. It's 2015, not 1985. Let's update that look.
I'll bet you are wondering what has been going on with the Bovines & Incendiaries group. Well, I'll tell you. Um, not much. I think since last time we have added another baby and a dog. That's really about it.
And thus concludes blog updates for 2015. Thanks for taking the time to check out pictures of monkeys and Axl. No real Vanilla Ice updates or World's Largest Rectal Thermometer. Maybe next time.